Arenac County Revolving Loan Program
We are proud to announce the new Revolving Loan Program for Arenac County Businesses. We are here to help the current and future small businesses by offering a low interest rate loan that can be customized to meet your needs. We want to make it easier for your needs to become a reality. After all, Arenac is a small community of just over 14,000 residents and we want to support you and help you succeed.
Any questions can be directed to or by calling Jennifer Pierson the Director of the Arenac County EDC at 989-846-2111 ext. 1202. You can also stop by the Standish Michigan Works office at 4480 M-61 Standish, MI 48658.

Application fee is CHECK ONLY and is to be paid out to: Arenac County EDC
Click here to review the Policies and for the Application.
Don't forget to print out your Checklist to know what to bring with you when dropping off your applications.